What is the World of Whimsy?
The World of Whimsy’s always close…
a world in which to FEEL and BE!
It wob-bobbles ’round what we suppose
most people call “reality.”
It’s here. It’s there. It’s EVERYWHERE!...
a world where streams of dreams do run.
Some say it’s filled with treasures rare.
We say it is a world of FUN!
Here you stroll a universe;
use galaxies as stepping stones;
ride a whisper; dine on laughter;
float and fly through colored tones.
Dance a jig on the head of a pin.
Hug a soft and furry word.
Rainbow sequins on your skin.
Nothing HERE is too absurd.
Touch a taste. Hear a view.
Save a sunbeam in a jar.
World of Whimsy waits for You.
Wishhhhhhhh to be here, and you ARE!

Meet Mr.Whimsy
Story Creator and Teller
Mr. Whimsy always feels he has the world’s best job to do…
he thinks up rhymes and stories first, then shares each one of them with you.
He loves to open up his mind to see what might fly in or out.
His thoughts and dreams are always kind, for that’s what he is all about.
He roams the World of Whimsy wide. Occasionally, he’ll lead a tour.
At other times he’ll grace his books for folks with his own signature.
He’ll sometimes sip a purple drink with Magi, who is his close friend.
He always quotes a poem or two. On that fact we can all depend.
His main responsibility is letting lovely thoughts come through,
especially when they're riding smiles which could belong to me or you.

Describing my outfit for me is quite tough -
There's "eye-lash" material, sequins and stuff;
silk mixed with satin; metallic to boot.
I must say my coat and my spats are a hoot!
But that is mundane in this age and day,
so here's what I'll say in a whimsical way...
The green is borrowed from a leprechaun,
the sparkle from eyes of imps.
The shimmer from rainbows is subtly drawn.
The pink is from shells of shrimps.
The purple's composed of plums from afar;
my bow tie, from corners of smile.
My buttons are made from a cooled shooting star.
Combined they 're defined as "my style..”

Meet Magi...
Director and Curator
I’m purple, gold and full of pep.
I am the World of Whimsy “rep.”
Come in! Come in! And look around.
So many marvels can be found...
so much to see, to play and do!
And I will point them out to you.
But, still, you’ll find there’s even more,
so on your own you may explore.
It is my job to stimulate
your inner mind so you’ll create,
imagine, dream and easily
become all that you wish to be.
The World of Whimsy lacks for naught…
feel free to take what you’ve been taught,
for, as you learn, discover, grow,
you’ve earned the things you come to know. |

As “Magi,” the Imaginator, I’m a dream facilitator.
I can teach you how and where to move about in manners rare;
to travel far, with style and grace, while still remaining in one place.
Sound like fun? It IS! For SURE! A simple pleasure smooth and pure.
Try it. There’s no need to twirl. Let your mind rest on a swirl.
Here comes one that’s nice and slow… pretty colors… Off you go!
Soft… delicious… smells good too. Yes, it seems just right for you.
’Round and up… It’s yours to steer into worlds both far and near.
You are now a dream creator… captain, crew and navigator.
Taste a sunset. Touch the past. Hurry on or make it last.
Candy factories? Pony rides? Lilac beach with purple tides?
Not sure where you wish to go? Here are two things you should know…
You can just sit back and “smile it,” sailing forth on “auto-pilot.”
And …
any time you wish to stop, you can do so. Just think “Pop!”
“Popping” is the strangest part, for instantly you’re back at “Start.”
Oh, what fun these journeys are… traveling both near and far!
Always safe… refreshed by play… This is Magi’s “Special Way.” |